Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bright Letter

I am truly honored to be your next Congressman for the 2nd Congressional District. I deeply appreciate the confidence placed in me by the voters to represent Alabama.

This entire campaign we have talked about putting America and Alabama first, and you have given me the opportunity to do just that. Now is the time to unite this country. We are facing some tremendous obstacles, but together we can overcome the challenges we face.

This campaign has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, and I can’t wait to get started in Washington. Please know I will work hard to make you proud, and I look forward to serving you.


Bobby Bright


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

**UPDATE** Election 2008

CNN has called the race for:


Bright: 143,997 50%
Love: 142,231 50%

1766 votes difference
This is the first time a Democrat has won in the 2nd district since 1965!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Night 2008

As of 10:46 pm with 97% of the precincts reporting CNN is saying that the race out of Montgomery between Republican Jay Love and Democratic Mayor Bobby Bright is too close to call right now the breakdown looks like this:

Bobby Bright with 141,385 votes and 51%
Jay Love with 135,697 votes and 49%
Updates will come as soon as they're available!


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Campaign Finance for Jay Love

Political Campaign Contributions
Campaign Finance Information
'08 Election Cycle

Candidate Name Jay K Love

Contributions Received

$1,054,504 Total Money Receipts

$304,105 From Individuals

$20,750 From Political Action Committees

$650,000 Self-Funded

Office Running For United States House of Representatives (Congress)
State Alabama (AL)
Party Republican

Election Year '08

District 02
Campaign Address

Candidate Committee Jay Love For Congress Committee


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Top Contributors to Bright

Top Contributors to Bobby Neal Bright Sr (D) during the 2008 Election Cycle

Rank Donor Amount (US Dollars)
1 Beasley, Allen et al $ 17,260
2 Southern Co $ 11,250
3 Goodwyn, Mills & Cawood $ 10,043
4 National Leadership PAC $ 10,000
4 PAC to the Future $ 10,000
4 National Education Assn $ 10,000
4 Nhs Management $ 10,000
4 United Auto Workers $ 10,000
4 Our Common Values PAC $ 10,000
4 Air Line Pilots Assn $ 10,000
4 Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $ 10,000
4 New Democrat Coalition $ 10,000
4 AmeriPAC: The Fund for a Greater America $ 10,000

Source: The Center for Responsive Politics' site.
Note: Contributions are not from the organizations themselves, but are rather from
the organization's PAC, employees or owners. Totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jay Love has the edge

Montgomery Advertiser "National political handicapper: Jay Love has the edge"

Jill Nolin

A well-known national political prognosticator wrote Thursday that State Rep. Jay Love “has an edge” in the race for Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District.

Analyzing the District 2 race between Love, the Republican nominee, and Democrat nominee Bobby Bright, Cook notes that while the campaign should be competitive, the strongly conservative district tilts in Love’s favor.

“For his part, Love has sought to portray Bright as a ‘Pelosi Democrat’ and remind voters that he was recruited by national Democrats to enter the race. Love has also enlisted the campaign help of the retiring Everett, who has needled Bright by expressing skepticism towards the effectiveness of the Blue Dogs at setting House Democrats’ agenda,” Cook writes. “This race is likely to receive plenty of attention, but Love has an edge.”

Cook’s analysis is echoed by a new Love campaign poll that shows Republican Jay Love leading Democrat Bobby Bright 42 percent to 38 percent among likely voters.

The internal poll, conducted by nationally-recognized McLaughlin & Associates, also showed a strong majority of conservative voters in the district. Among respondents, 52 percent identified themselves as conservative, 28 percent identified as moderate and just 13 percent described themselves as liberal.

On a generic ballot for U.S. Congress, 48 percent said they would choose a Republican candidate, while only 34 percent said they would vote Democrat.

Cook’s analysis can be read online at .

Cook is a leading authority on American political trends and is regarded as one of the most adept election forecasters, successfully predicting close races from congressional seats to the presidency.

The New York Times referred to Cook as "one of the best political handicappers in the nation," and described his publication, The Cook Political Report as "a newsletter that both parties regard as authoritative." In addition to his newsletter, Cook is a staple of television news, appearing regularly for political commentary on NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and CSPAN.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mitt Romney Endorses Jay Love

Dothan Eagle Newspaper

By Lance Griffin

Published: October 23, 2008

Jeanne Filkins clutched her camera Thursday and peered down Foster Street, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man she wanted to be the next president.

She waited — obediently if not patiently.

She turned to speak to her friend, still managing to keep one eye on Foster Street.

“I wish he could have been president,” she said, making sure her camera was on and ready. “He would sure straighten out this economy.”

That’s when the vehicle carrying former Massachusetts governor and presidential candidate Mitt Romney turned on Foster Street and stopped in front of Five Star Credit Union. Romney exited with 2nd Congressional District candidate Jay Love. Romney made a brief campaign stop for Love at the credit union before the two left for a private fundraiser.

“I voted for you Governor Romney! I voted for you!” Filkins said, coercing Romney to pause briefly for a treasured photo.

“I’m so excited. I’ve got to call my mom,” she said.

Romney, who has been traveling the country to campaign for Republican congressional candidates, said the 2nd Congressional District race between Republican Jay Love and Democrat Bobby Bright was a “targeted” race.

“We looked and asked ourselves ‘What are a few races that are absolutely critical to win?’ This was one of them.”

Romney said he believes electing a Republican to Congress was important for conservatives to win back a majority in the U.S House of Representatives. He called Love “the only true conservative” in this race.

“Right now there are a lot of Democrats around the country pretending to be Republicans,” Romney said. “That’s what happens in an election year.”

Love said he shares Romney’s views on social and economic issues.

“We need Republicans in Washington so we can lower taxes and turn the economic engine of our small- and medium-sized businesses loose,” Love said. “They’re the ones that create the wealth.”

Bright is in the middle of his “America First Truck Tour”, where he is making campaign stops in all 16 counties in the 2nd Congressional District. Bright has told voters that party labels should not be put ahead of the country.

Bright received the endorsement of Republican State Senator Harri Anne Smith of Slocomb on Monday.

“I hope that sends a signal that people are welcome to step across party lines,” Bright said.

You Can view the video here:


Jay Love for Congress Video

Bobby Bright for Congress Video