Thursday, October 30, 2008

Top Contributors to Bright

Top Contributors to Bobby Neal Bright Sr (D) during the 2008 Election Cycle

Rank Donor Amount (US Dollars)
1 Beasley, Allen et al $ 17,260
2 Southern Co $ 11,250
3 Goodwyn, Mills & Cawood $ 10,043
4 National Leadership PAC $ 10,000
4 PAC to the Future $ 10,000
4 National Education Assn $ 10,000
4 Nhs Management $ 10,000
4 United Auto Workers $ 10,000
4 Our Common Values PAC $ 10,000
4 Air Line Pilots Assn $ 10,000
4 Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $ 10,000
4 New Democrat Coalition $ 10,000
4 AmeriPAC: The Fund for a Greater America $ 10,000

Source: The Center for Responsive Politics' site.
Note: Contributions are not from the organizations themselves, but are rather from
the organization's PAC, employees or owners. Totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.


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