Thursday, October 16, 2008


The Montgomery Independent
OCTOBER 16, 2008

Bright would be in best position to help 2nd District Montgomery Mayor Bobby Bright and State Rep. Jay Love are in a spirited and close race for Congress in the 2nd District. The Independent supported both these men for the positions they currently hold and will do so again for the one who doesn’t go to Washington.
A crucial issue in the race is which of the two would be able to best “bring home the bacon” to the district and that boils down to which candidate will have the most clout in his party and which party will have the most clout in Congress.
It appears the Democrats, who already have a solid majority in the House of Representatives will pick up another 12 to 18 House seats in November and will further solidify their majority in the Senate.Mayor Bright, who has been welcomed with open arms to the Blue Dog coalition of conservative Democrats, will be in an excellent position because of what is expected to be an overwhelming Democratic majority, to ensure that adequate funding continues for the district’s military installations and farmers.
Of course being better at “bringing home the bacon” is not the sole reason to vote for a congressional candidate, but it is a mighty powerful one in light of the current economic situation in the country.
We also believe Mayor Bright would, like Rep. Love, take his conservative Alabama values with him to Washington.A minus we see in the election of Mayor Bright is that Montgomery would lose an excellent mayor and leader.
He has been at the forefront of the economic progress our city as made in the past decade.But because Mayor Bright would be in a much better position to do good for the 2nd Congressional District, we recommend his election.


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Jay Love for Congress Video

Bobby Bright for Congress Video