Sunday, October 5, 2008

Jay Love's Promise to Voters

Promise to the Voters by Rep. Jay Love

1. Our campaign will talk about the issues that matter to the voters of the 2nd Congressional District. I will articulate my position and express a vision that will improve our nation and reflect positively on the people I wish to represent.

2. Our campaign will not run from my political party affiliation. I will stand with my fellow party members on ground we share in common, and I will never attempt to mislead voters by shrinking from a party label that I have willingly chosen.

3. Our campaign will stand behind the statements that I make, the commercials that I produce and the mail that I send. There are clear differences in this race – differences between the political parties and differences between the candidates representing them. It is appropriate to discuss these differences and I will do so in a forthright, honest manner.

4. Our campaign will accurately reflect the views and philosophies of my opponent, his political party and the interests supporting his campaign as we understand them, and as evidence suggests, in our political advertising, mail and other media.

5. Our campaign will proudly and publicly support my party’s presidential nominee and will let the public know when I agree and disagree with the positions he takes.

6. Our campaign will work to ensure that the groups and individuals who contribute to my campaign agree with my political philosophies and principles so there is no confusion among the public as to where I stand on the important issues of the day.

7. Our campaign will not engage in the spreading of false rumors about my opponent’s family members through whisper campaigns or other nefarious methods, nor will we condone anyone who does.

8. Our campaign will publicly post this promise in our district headquarters for staffers and volunteers to read and follow. We will also publish it widely on our new, revised campaign website so that voters will know the principles guiding our campaign.

If elected, I further pledge to the voters that, as their Congressman, I will proudly cast my vote for House Speaker for a conservative Republican who accurately reflects the traditional beliefs and values of the citizens of the 2nd Congressional District. I further pledge I will not vote for Nancy Pelosi or other liberal members for Speaker or House leadership positions, as I believe that runs counter to the wishes of the 2nd District voters.


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