Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Bright Republican" signs irk Love, GOP

Bob Johnson

Montgomery Advertiser

AUGUST 01, 2008

First there were the "Reagan Democrats" and then Bill Clinton had his conservative, GOP-leaning "soccer moms." Now Democratic 2nd District congressional candidate Bobby Bright has his "Bright Republicans."Signs began popping up this week in yards around the south and central Alabama district that say "I'm A Bright Republican."

It's ruffling the feathers of 2nd District Republican nominee Jay Love and GOP officials, who like to call Bright "a Pelosi Democrat."Bright, the three-term mayor of Montgomery, called himself an independent before deciding to run for Congress as a Democrat. He is receiving financial support from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and from the "blue dogs," a group of conservative Democratic congressmen.Bright is trying to break a Republican hold on the district that stretches back to 1964.

Bright and Love, a state representative from Montgomery, face off in the Nov. 4 general election. The winner will replace Republican U.S. Rep. Terry Everett of Rehobeth, who is retiring after representing the district for 16 years.Bright said he had the signs made because his promise to put aside divisive partisan politics in Washington is playing well across party lines.

"We have a groundswell of Republicans supporting us. Many of them are requesting the signs," Bright said. "Our campaign represents all people across party lines."In campaign speeches Bright has described himself as a conservative who is "pro life," "pro gun" and supports a "strong military."

But Republicans said Bright has accepted money from congressional Democrats, who include House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., and will vote with liberal Democrats if elected to Congress.

"I think it's absurd," Alabama Republican Party chairman Mike Hubbard said of the "Bright Republican" signs. "It just goes to show he's running as far away from the Democratic label as he can. If he's so conservative, why is he taking money from Nancy Pelosi and Charlie Rangel?"

"If this weren't so dishonest, it would almost be funny," said Love's campaign manager, Michael Lowry.Love, a two-term state legislator and Montgomery businessman, said Bright has taken thousands of dollars in campaign money from the Democrats."I don't think the people are going to buy this. I think it's part of his strategy to say to one group 'I'm a Republican,' and to another 'I'm a Democrat' and to another group 'I'm an independent,'" Love said.Auburn Montgomery political scientist D'Linell Finley said the signs remind him of former President Clinton's appeal to soccer moms in the 1990s.

"There are Republicans who will support Bobby Bright. He's been a popular mayor and he has won elections with Republican support," Finley said. He added that it's common in the South for Democrats to be more conservative and independent than in other parts of the country.Finley said he isn't surprised that Republicans are trying to link Bright to the national Democratic Party and to politicians like Pelosi and Rangel."They are using those names to try to rally their conservative base," Finley said.Bright said supporters of his campaign, including Democratic organizations, "are investing in me and my ideals."He said he will push his own agenda, not a liberal one as the Republicans claim, if he is elected to Congress."I'm going to push for America first and for District 2 second. I'm going to put any kind of party preference in the back seat," Bright said.


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Jay Love for Congress Video

Bobby Bright for Congress Video