Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bobby Bright for Congress

Bobby Bright is a democrat seeking the 2nd Congressional District seat that was left open when Rep Terry Everett retired. He is a graduate of Thomas Goode Jones School of Law and the National Judicial College. He worked as an attorney for 16 yrs before becoming running for mayor. He has served as mayor for the city of Montgomery (the capitol of Alabama) for the past 9 yrs.

His accomplishments include; Central Alabama Planning and Development Commission,Director of The Alabama Baptist Board,Director of the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce Board and Member of the Governor's Homeland Security Task force.
Mayor Bobby Bright is married to retired judge Lynn Clardy Bright and has three children.

1 comment:

NM Senate Blog said...

The ads are very intriguing. I find it interesting that Jay Love says that the liberals are against drilling and research in the energy sector. He then goes on to say that we need more drill as well as more research in the alternative energy sectors. Most "liberals", while they do oppose drilling, are in favor of expanding our alternative energy research. Which means than even if they oppose part of what you believe in, they agree with the larger picture which is decreasing our dependency on foreign oil.


Jay Love for Congress Video

Bobby Bright for Congress Video