Monday, October 20, 2008

Republican State Senator Harri Anne Smith endorsed Bright

Dothan Eagle Newspaper

By Lance Griffin

Published: October 20, 2008

Hours after Republican State Senator Harri Anne Smith endorsed Democratic Congressional candidate Bobby Bright, the executive director of the Alabama Republican Party alleged Monday that Smith shopped her endorsement between Bright and fellow Republican Jay Love.

John Ross told the Dothan Eagle Monday that Bill Harris, who was Smith’s campaign manager during her Republican Congressional primary race with Love, told him on Oct. 7 that Smith was prepared to endorse Bright in exchange for $150,000 to help retire her campaign debt.

However, Ross said Harris told him Smith was willing to entertain offers from the Love campaign.

When reached by the Dothan Eagle, Harris said that he did have a conversation with Ross, but declined to comment further.

“I’m not going to discuss any conversation because, as a campaign manager, I have a confidentiality agreement I signed with her,” Harris said. “Unless Sen. Smith allows me to say anything, I’m not at liberty to confirm or deny anything.”

Earlier Monday, Smith publicly endorsed Bright in Dothan at the beginning of Bright’s “America First Truck Tour.”

“In our opinion, this endorsement was not about issues or policy, it’s about money,“ said Phillip Bryan, spokesman for the Alabama Republican Party.
Smith said her endorsement was not about money.

“I made that endorsement because it was the right thing to do,” Smith said. “I did it because that’s what I believe in.”

Smith denied having any conversations with Bright about money in exchange for an endorsement. When asked if she had any knowledge of a conversation between Harris and Ross about her endorsement, she declined to comment.

“I’m not going to get in the fray,” Smith said. “I’m going to be above that.”
Bright called the allegations “ridiculous” and “libelous”.

“I never as mayor offered anybody any money for anybody’s endorsement and I have never given anybody authority to act on my behalf,” Bright said. “This is exactly what happened in the Republican primary, and it is now happening in this election and people need to vote on Nov. 4 to clean up this type of politics and campaigning. This is desperation politics and smear politics at its worst.”

According to campaign records filed with the Federal Election Commission, Smith finished her 2nd Congressional District campaign with a debt of about $404,000.
Smith becomes the second major Wiregrass Republican to endorse Bright’s campaign. Dothan mayor Pat Thomas announced he would support Bright on Aug. 18.

Smith and Love were involved in a bruising primary race this year, prompting current Congressman Terry Everett, R-Rehobeth, to issue a statement asking both candidates to stop their negative campaign ads.

Speaking in front of Bright supporters Monday morning, Smith said Love lied about her and her record during their Congressional campaign.

“Jay Love lied about my record just to further his own agenda and now he’s lying about Bobby,“ Smith said. “Bobby knows what’s important to the Wiregrass because he’s one of us.“

You can view the Video HERE :


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Jay Love for Congress Video

Bobby Bright for Congress Video